4 Dec

Yes I know Thanksgiving has come and gone and we’re apparently in full-blown Christmas mode. So consistent with the rest of my life now, I’m a bit behind in writing this post! But better late than never, right? Plus, Thanksgiving shouldn’t be the only day of the year when we think about what we’re grateful for.

Christine Hassler (Gen Y life coach, author, writer for Huffington Post) recently published the article “Gorging on Gratitude” which inspired me to create a list of what I’m thankful for. And since I’ve been in high stress mode lately, I wanted to take some time out for self-reflection to help re-prioritize and re-establish what I love!

According to the article there are obvious things we are thankful for. These are easy to identify and extend gratitude toward. But there are also hardships and uncertainties in our lives, and we should show appreciation for these situations too. Hassler explains that once you value everything you’re going through (the good, the bad and the ugly), it softens everything you’re going through – something I really took to heart in my list below.


Check out Christine’s supplemental video above or take a peek at her article – it’s a quick read. And then I urge you to think about your own gratitude list. Even if it’s only one or two items long. Commit to adding to your list once a week (I’m doing this too!). Sooner or later you’ll be focusing on what’s good in your life, and turning those unsettling situations into learning experiences and growth.

So here it goes, my 20-something gratitude list:

  • I am grateful for my parents that were able and willing to let me move back into their home while I figure out my budget and what my next living situation will be.
  • I am grateful for my boyfriend who has the amazing ability to help me worry less, appreciate the little things in life and just go with the flow
  • I am grateful for the therapy yoga and other exercise provide for my mind and body.
  • I am grateful for my grad school program and the amazing people in it that I get to interact with.
  • I am grateful for my job and how it has allowed me to explore several functions of the marketing and communications industry, ultimately helping me to discover and shape my passions.
  • I am grateful for tea and delicious seasonal drinks at coffee shops. They make studying and getting through the workday that much easier – although my bank account has its own opinion.

This list will surely be added to, but it’s a start. I look forward to reading your gratitude lists in the comment section below. Happy holidays everyone!


  1. crossfitnovice December 5, 2011 at 10:08 AM #

    That’s a pretty great list. Sounds like you’ve go a lot to be thankful for, Jordan. :) But what about cupcakes? You can’t forget to be thankful for cupcakes! :)

  2. Lucy @ lucille in the sky December 5, 2011 at 12:18 PM #

    Great list, Jordan. I agree, gratitude is crucial to staying HAPPY…as is tea and yoga and loved ones :)